About Us
The Global Response to Education and Environment Network (GREEN) is a consortium of global actors working at the intersection of education and climate change. Launched in May 2023, GREEN bridges ideas and expertise from a collaborative membership partnership, to advance ideas, innovation and research that can inform policies and drive meaningful action in response to climate-related challenges and their impact on education.
GREEN includes higher education stakeholders, youth-led and youth-serving organizations, international non-governmental organizations, climate change experts and other partners, who coalesce not only around the educational aspects of climate change but also the social and economic impacts.
Review GREEN’s Bylaws here.

GREEN is constituted of individuals from the following institutions
Room to Read
Global Center for Adaptation
Women’s Global Education Project
Teach for All
School to School International
Cambridge Education
Purdue Applied Research Institute
Mott MacDonald
The University of Arizona
Asante Africa
Restless Development
Education Development Centre / HELN
Collective Mind
Higher Education Learning Network
Basic Education Coalition
University of Bath
Girls Education Challenge
Zephyr Consulting LLC
Organization of the American States
Creative Associates
Save the Children